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Electronic music collector, Connoisseur
Plain and simple Soundeo provides quality music at excelent quality with easy and security. No need to worry about getting a virus or windows popping up on your screen. It has a great track selection with quality artists and labels, hands down the #1 music site!
Electronic music lover, Collector
Not so long ago discovered Soundeo but has already managed to fall in love with this site! It has everything we need! Everyone who signs up and becomes a premium user can download music in the most relevant electronic styles, in addition can be pumped to WAV/AIFF! I understand those who appreciate quality! Unlike all the other sites Soundeo uses an interesting method of voting, thanks to which the site is updated and selected quality material.
Electronic music connoisseur, Collector
Hi! Csabi0411 my name!
I would like to recommend the site to everybody because it is possible to download fresh music in a best quality every day! What provides the possible best sound is MP3 with a tall quality or WAV/AIFF in a format. The best one in him, that new musics are charged every day, even than the Beatport. I hope for it yet I may be the member of the site for a long time! Best site on all of the internet, I find musics like that, what it is possible to spend on private sites only! I say thank you for it to you Soundeo!
Good luck in the additional ones!