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Weekly Top 25 Releases


DJ Dets
The musical collectioner

Do not hesitate! Go for it!

Let me start from the whole beginning. I used to be a DJ and in recent I’ve decided to create a musical collection of those unique tracks that have been spinning on crazy parties, but as you understand that calls for certain amounts of efforts and money. I do respect the work of artists but the prices on Beatport — is just a steal. The prices at Soundeo are more than affordable for average person. Just have a look and you will be pleasantly surprised with a variety of plans. And don’t forget you have a history of downloaded files which you can easily re-download without any extra fees and favorites for your convenience. The other great feature I can’t just leave without attention is equal price for MP3, WAV and AIFF. WAV and AIFF are lossless audio formats are definitely a future of pleasing the demanding tastes of audiophiles. And you have already access to more then 250.000 tracks which are thoroughly selected by music lovers all around the globe. And the project is only less a year flourishing.

To sum it up Soundeo is created for DJs, music lovers, audiophiles and just the music collectioners. It’s not just and average music website — it is a community of people who decide the and pick up unique tracks of the huge amount of one-day-tracks. You have or you will have access to truly electronic musical archive...

Do not hesitate! Gor for it!

It is created for you!

Iulian Ocheana
Electronic music connoisseur

This site is the best I’ve discovered up to now after searching for such a long time. So I’m really happy and exited that I can find this amazing music selection with a great quality sound. I’m looking forward for more new songs releases and I will like to congratulate you all for this great site!!!

Electronic music connoisseur

Interest for electronic music appeared at the beginning of the new millennium. At that time I had no Internet. I bought all music on CD`s and I listened all music on CD player. Time went, interest to music didn’t vanish. I had a lot of questions, namely: «When I can download new, fresh music?» «Download from freakenergy or freshtrance?» It`s no variant for me. I want to listen to qualitative music in WAV/AIFF format.

At one day I began to download music from musical store — junodownload. Also I talk with guy who likes music too in Skype. At one day we found one music portal, where I can download music after my requests. Administrations of this portal didn’t stand still and at one day appeared new portal of electronic music — requestbeat. Exclusive music re-downloaded at another free portals, guys were very angry and they decided something new. It was Soundeo. Soundeo it`s simply the best electronic music website. You can read about it on site Soundeo!


Weekly Top 10 Tracks

Testimonials View all

  • Ümit Can Hy my name is Ümit Can, I am a turkish huy who was born in Vienna. I`ll was DJ since 1999 and producer since 2011, I was played in many clubs and...
  • Iulian Ocheana This site is the best I’ve discovered up to now after searching for such a long time. So I’m really happy and exited that I can find this amazing music...
  • xecutionrecords At the beginning of the year i was contemplating websites to start buying my breaks and mid-tempo music from and I was struggling to find sites that were...
  • Dr. Kugelfisch When i was searching for some pretty unknown minimal-techno tracks for new DJ-sets i stumbled over Soundeo. With the smallest Premium Account I discovered a huge collection...
  • abtatw Interest for electronic music appeared at the beginning of the new millennium. At that time I had no Internet. I bought all music on CD`s and I listened all...