FAQ » Premium По-русски

  1. What types of payment are available to purchase the premium account? [#]

    We offer you the most convenient payment methods. You can purchase premium account using PayPal, Credit Card or Debit Card, various virtual currencies and prepaid or gift cards. You can see a detailed list of all payment options before you start your purchase on the Purchase Premium Account page.

  2. Why was not my premium account activated immediately after payment? [#]

    Occasionally delays related to payment processing by the payment system may occur. This may happen if you make a payment on a holiday or a weekend. Do not worry — these delays never last longer than a few hours. Please contact the support team if your premium account was not activated within 24 hours.

  3. Why did I receive a message that the payment gateway is not available? [#]

    If the payment gateway is not available, this means that Soundeo is not accepting new clients at this time.

  4. When does my premium account expire? [#]

    You can always look up the expiration date of your premium account on My Account page or on the Purchase Premium Account page.

  5. Will my premium account be renewed automatically once it expires? [#]

    No, you have to renew the account manually.

  6. How do I renew my premium account? [#]

    To renew your premium account go to the Purchase Premium Account page and select the price plan that suits you.

  7. How do I change the price plan on my premium account? [#]

    You can only change the price plan on your premium account once the current price plan expires.

  8. Can I get a refund for my premium account? [#]

    Since Soundeo provides digital product and its use cannot be tracked, Soundeo does not offer refunds.

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  • Rudi P. If you want a page that has fresh and quality music, Soundeo is the place for you. It’s absolutely an amazing site. The amount of music that they have...
  • Ümit Can Hy my name is Ümit Can, I am a turkish huy who was born in Vienna. I`ll was DJ since 1999 and producer since 2011, I was played in many clubs and...
  • xecutionrecords At the beginning of the year i was contemplating websites to start buying my breaks and mid-tempo music from and I was struggling to find sites that were...
  • LOVdUE Soundeo just changed my life! In this site I can find all music I want and know other music, being a better DJ. Now I can say thta I can`t live without Soundeo!
  • DJ Pablog Plain and simple Soundeo provides quality music at excelent quality with easy and security. No need to worry about getting a virus or windows popping up on your...