FAQ » Interface » How can I take my vote back, if I already voted for a track? По-русски

To call back your vote, click the heart icon that says «Unvote» to the right of its name or directly on the track page. You can only call back the vote if the track has not been published for downloading and only on the same day you voted.

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  • Xai S. I’m a huge fan of dance music and it was getting too costly for me to buy tracks all the time. That’s why Soundeo is great for me; because most...
  • Mike EFEX As a DJ and Artist, I find Soundeo to be the best portal for music and I would never go anywhere else for my music then Soundeo. Thank you guys!
  • LOVdUE Soundeo just changed my life! In this site I can find all music I want and know other music, being a better DJ. Now I can say thta I can`t live without Soundeo!
  • abtatw Interest for electronic music appeared at the beginning of the new millennium. At that time I had no Internet. I bought all music on CD`s and I listened all...
  • DJ Pablog Plain and simple Soundeo provides quality music at excelent quality with easy and security. No need to worry about getting a virus or windows popping up on your...