FAQ » Interface » Where can I see track that other members of Soundeo voted for? По-русски
You can always see tracks that other members of the Soundeo voted for on the Upcoming Tracks page.
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Questions in category
- How can I listen to a particular track?
- How can I vote for a particular track?
- How can I take my vote back, if I already voted for a track?
- How do I add a track to my favorites?
- Is it possible to display only the music styles I am interested in?
- How can I find all tracks or releases of a certain label or a group of labels?
- How can I find all tracks or releases of a certain artist or a group of artists?
- Where can I see the tracks I downloaded?
- Where can I see the tracks I voted for?
- Where can I see the tracks I added to my favorites?
- Where can I see track that other members of Soundeo voted for?
- How can I notify of a track that has noise, glitches, cut outs, or other defects?
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Testimonials View all
- DJ Dets Do not hesitate! Go for it! Let me start from the whole beginning. I used to be a DJ and in recent I’ve decided to create a musical...
- LOVdUE Soundeo just changed my life! In this site I can find all music I want and know other music, being a better DJ. Now I can say thta I can`t live without Soundeo!
- Iulian Ocheana This site is the best I’ve discovered up to now after searching for such a long time. So I’m really happy and exited that I can find this amazing music...
- Genya M. WHERE IS TO GET A FRESH AND OUTSTANDING QUALITY MUSIC? This question bothers a lot of people and let me tell you that I was one of them. Hi, my name...
- Dr. Kugelfisch When i was searching for some pretty unknown minimal-techno tracks for new DJ-sets i stumbled over Soundeo. With the smallest Premium Account I discovered a huge collection...