FAQ » Common » Does Soundeo publish the real 320 kbps MP3 format? По-русски
All tracks in MP3 format are created by converting the original WAV tracks. Soundeo uses the latest version of the best MP3 codec, LAME 3.100. The tracks are converted in stereo, with 44,100 Hz frequency and a 320 kbps bit-rate, which is the highest possible quality of MP3 format.
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- What is the difference between the uncompressed WAV format and the MP3 format?
- Does Soundeo publish the real uncompressed WAV format?
- Does Soundeo publish the real 320 kbps MP3 format?
- Can I buy tracks separately, without buying the Soundeo premium account?
- Where can I use the downloaded tracks?
- Can I post the tracks downloaded from Soundeo on other websites or resources?
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Testimonials View all
- DJ Pablog Plain and simple Soundeo provides quality music at excelent quality with easy and security. No need to worry about getting a virus or windows popping up on your...
- Xai S. I’m a huge fan of dance music and it was getting too costly for me to buy tracks all the time. That’s why Soundeo is great for me; because most...
- Iulian Ocheana This site is the best I’ve discovered up to now after searching for such a long time. So I’m really happy and exited that I can find this amazing music...
- xecutionrecords At the beginning of the year i was contemplating websites to start buying my breaks and mid-tempo music from and I was struggling to find sites that were...
- Ümit Can Hy my name is Ümit Can, I am a turkish huy who was born in Vienna. I`ll was DJ since 1999 and producer since 2011, I was played in many clubs and...