FAQ » Common » Where can I find my login and password? По-русски

After you click the «Register» button on the Purchase Premium Account page, Soundeo will send an email with your account information to the email address you provided. In that email you will find your login, which is your email address, and your password automatically generated for you by Soundeo.

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  • Mike EFEX As a DJ and Artist, I find Soundeo to be the best portal for music and I would never go anywhere else for my music then Soundeo. Thank you guys!
  • onio Hello, If u ask me, why change something that is working as it is? I like Soundeo from 1st days, easy to use, fast streams, easy to navigate, plenty...
  • DJ Grant Terry What can I say about Soundeo, I absolutely love this site, every day there is something, every day is like Xmas, I hope it stays like this forever, long live Soundeo.
  • Mitchell M. We «amateur» DJ’s all got one big thing in common. One very big issue which we can’t deal with on our own. For this reason we need each other and...
  • xecutionrecords At the beginning of the year i was contemplating websites to start buying my breaks and mid-tempo music from and I was struggling to find sites that were...