FAQ » Common » Which tracks will become available after voting? По-русски
The Top 150+ of the newest tracks that have gotten the most votes become available for download in the order of their release dates.
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Questions in category
- What is Soundeo?
- Who is Soundeo target audience?
- How many tracks does Soundeo have?
- How often is Soundeo updated?
- Can I download tracks?
- How fast can I download tracks?
- What are the features of the premium account?
- How do I become a premium member?
- How soon will my premium account be activated once I pay?
- Where can I find my login and password?
- What if I did not receive the letter with my account information?
- Which tracks can I download?
- How many tracks a day can I download?
- What are the votes for?
- How many votes can I use each day?
- Does the number of downloads or votes roll over if I do not use them?
- Which tracks will become available after voting?
- When will the tracks I voted for become available?
- Why is the track I voted for not available after 24 hours?
- What is the difference between the uncompressed WAV format and the MP3 format?
- Does Soundeo publish the real uncompressed WAV format?
- Does Soundeo publish the real 320 kbps MP3 format?
- Can I buy tracks separately, without buying the Soundeo premium account?
- Where can I use the downloaded tracks?
- Can I post the tracks downloaded from Soundeo on other websites or resources?
- Which of my information does Soundeo keep?
Testimonials View all
- DJ Pablog Plain and simple Soundeo provides quality music at excelent quality with easy and security. No need to worry about getting a virus or windows popping up on your...
- Mike EFEX As a DJ and Artist, I find Soundeo to be the best portal for music and I would never go anywhere else for my music then Soundeo. Thank you guys!
- Ümit Can Hy my name is Ümit Can, I am a turkish huy who was born in Vienna. I`ll was DJ since 1999 and producer since 2011, I was played in many clubs and...
- Ivan.XXL.SDL Simply the best, you can listen without any type of lags and download fresh music of a lot of styles in MP3, WAV or AIFF format. The simplest and easiest way!
- Dr. Kugelfisch When i was searching for some pretty unknown minimal-techno tracks for new DJ-sets i stumbled over Soundeo. With the smallest Premium Account I discovered a huge collection...